Today we talk about what to expect when you’re pitching agents. From what to do with your documents to how to keep track of agents, Jennie lays out all the things you need to consider when starting the pitching process.
(And I have one word for you, folks: spreadsheets.)
I also fret because my top, wish-listed agents represent some pretty big names. But Jennie has some good advice for me there, too.
“They’re not usually like, ‘Well, that’s it. I got one really big one! I’m done!’ They’re in this game for good. So there is no aiming high. Like if you’re aiming for people who represent really prominent, famous authors, they’re just as likely to take your book and love your book as anyone else.”
I talk a little about how I narrowed down the agents on my list that I wanted to pitch and why. Jennie explains choose agents to pitch is not so much a science as it is an art.
So how do you go about choosing what agents to pick? And what makes a good agent? What if you don’t hear back from an agent? What if you hear from multiple agents at once? All these questions plus a few more on today’s pitching prep episode of Mom Writes.