It's the Query Letter Episode!!!
I have written my query letter no less than 45 times (and it feels like 45 ka-zillion times). Some passes over my query letter have involved big, sweeping changes. Others have been small tweaks, looking to do things like cut an overabundance of adjectives. But every change brought me closer and closer to what Jennie has deemed a query that is "KILLER GOOD."
The first time we tackled my query was on Jennie's Creative Live class called How To Land A Literary Agent. You can find the course here. We recorded it live in Seattle a few years ago, and guess which literary agent we use as our example?
If you guessed Alec Shane, you are correct.
Since writing this query, my book has undergone several revisions. Therefore my query needed updating. I had a solid start, but I ended up scratching my book's blurb and starting fresh.
It was so hard! Soooooo harddddddd.
Why is writing a query so hard?
“It’s because it’s a sales thing. It’s not the same kind of writing at all.”
You've got to look at the big picture for the query, not what the plot is about, but what the story is about. And you have to do it in a way that is short and sweet, so listen in while Jennie and I tear up my query--again--on this episode of Mom Writes.