Today we have (surprise!) more talk about agents. What if you're pitching an agent, but you are open to eventually dipping your toes in self-publishing or hybrid publishing? Or changing genres? Or co-writing?
“And when you get to a conversation with an agent, these are things you might want to say: I have a million ideas! I might want to do a collaboration with someone. I might want to do a picture book. I might want to do an adult thing. And I know you might not represent all those things, but what are your thoughts about them?”
Basically, you want to know where a potential agent stands on any path you may want to walk.
What are other things that you need to consider when comparing different agents and agencies? What kind of business relationship are you looking for?
We turn to the internet and do a little digging on one agency. The Jill Grinberg Agency has a beautiful manifesto of their beliefs on their website. In it, they talk about how they approach their work with writers and how they work as a team with fluidity between departments.
So what am I looking for in an agent? My answer may surprise you! (Especially because I'm not sure if she exists!)